Monday, August 24, 2020
Does learning how to properly express oneself help Dissertation
Does figuring out how to appropriately communicate help - Dissertation Example The investigation doesn't endeavor to supersede existing projects, rather, it looks to work with it, and improve existing projects. This is finished by opening and giving elective methods which savagery might be forestalled. Social researchers accept savage wrongdoings to be violations of articulation. While leading inspirational talking meetings at schools in New Orleans, I have seen that there are relatively few school-based projects in the area. The projects that right now exist don't take a gander at the adolescent issue of brutality as a potential issue of articulation. Slave driver estimates, for example, suspension and removal alongside close security strategies appear to be the proposed answer for the issue of school brutality. In this condition of ââ¬Ëtight securityââ¬â¢ to check adolescent brutality, the investigation offers an inventive technique - imaginative articulation as a methods for viciousness decrease, of adolescent savagery avoidance. This methodology is no vel, as no such projects as of now exist, particularly in New Orleans. Issue Statement Despite information demonstrating decreases in vicious wrongdoing broadly, youth savagery stays a significant issue (Feder, Levant, and Dean, 2010). As indicated by the Bureau of Justice Statistic, more wrongdoings are submitted against studentsââ¬â¢ ages 12-18 at school than away from school (Roberts, Zhang, Truman, 2010). Understudies who extended from ages 12-18 experienced around 1.2 million nonfatal wrongdoings at school contrasted with around one million nonfatal violations from school. The figures speak to add up to wrongdoing exploitation paces of 47 violations for each 1,000 understudies at school and 38 wrongdoings for each 1,000 understudies from school. The quantity of school days in a year is basically proportional to the quantity of non-school days in a year. In spite of the equalization of days among school and non-school days, generally (63%) brutal violations submitted by adole scents happen on school days (OJJPD, 2010). Savagery is the main source of nonfatal wounds among youngsters (Hammond, Haegerich, and Saul, 2009). As per 2008 FBI measurements, New Orleans had the most elevated per capita murder rate in the country (Murder Capital Title, 2009). The convergence of high schooler brutality and the homicide capital was obvious like never before in 2006. As New Orleans was scrambling to revamp from Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans rose as the homicide capital by and by. Five high school adolescents extending from ages 16-19 were gunned down in a one occurrence. The terrible occasion provoked the city hall leader of New Orleans to require the arrangement of the Louisiana National Guard to watch the boulevards of New Orleans. In spite of turning New Orleans to reflect an Iraqi city with furnished military troopers watching its roads, the brutality remained. Adolescent savagery stayed an issue in New Orleans notwithstanding the nearness of the Army. By and by, another endeavor of expanded security brings about no answer. More tight security looks great, yet it has not demonstrated to decrease savage wrongdoing. In such manner, the earnestness of discovering elective methods for tending to the issue of adolescent viciousness on existing projects is of natural worth. This is to advance existing projects, and open different scenes that may enable the youngster to communicate their encounters. Reason Statement The motivation behind this blended research study is to
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Frankenstein By Mary Shelley Essay Example For Students
Frankenstein By Mary Shelley Essay In spite of the fact that people tend to set hopeful objectives to better futuregenerations, frequently the outcomes can demonstrate sad, even destructive. The story ofFrankenstein, by Mary Shelley, centers around the result of one keeps an eye on idealisticmotives and wants of fiddling with nature, which bring about the creation ofhorrific animal. Victor Frankenstein was not destined to disappointment from hisinitial want to violate the common limits of human information. Or maybe, it washis poor child rearing of his descendants that lead to his manifestations hunger for thevindication of his unfair life. In his vision, Victor is blinded, thus thecreation blames him for conveying him into an existence where he couldn't ever beentirely got by the individuals who occupy it. Not just neglecting to predict hisfaulty vision, approaching the finish of the story, he sets out upon a last journey,consciously deciding to seek after his creation in retaliation, while conceding hehimself that i t might bring about his own fate. The formation of a disliked being andthe journey for the remedy of life considers Victor Frankenstein more responsible forhis own demise than the creation himself. Conveyed into the world, full grownand without a gatekeeper to show him the methods of the human world, the creationdiscovers that he is distant from everyone else, except not without asset. He endeavors to communicateto his maker, in any case, he is unequipped for discourse. As Frankenstein describes thesituation, he says, I observed the wretchthe hopeless beast whom I hadcreated. He held up the window ornament of the bed; and his eyes, if eyes they may becalled, were fixed on me. His jaw opened, and he mumbled some inarticulatesounds, while a smile wrinkled his cheeks. He may have spoken, yet I did nothear; one hand was loosened up, apparently to confine me, yet I got away andrushed ground floor (Shelley, p. 43). As Frankenstein clarifies, he announces thathe intentionally fails to spea k with his creation, in light of itsshockingly terrible appearance. Had Frankenstein set aside the effort to communicateand care for his creation, with all the information that he has of theresponsibility of a decent parent, the creation would have never evolved thesense of vindication and backlash that lead him to killing Victors lovedones. The creation would consequently account Frankenstein for all his sufferingssucceeding his introduction to the world. Frankensteins first of various mixed up decisionsill-destining his predetermination depends incredibly upon an absence of duty regarding thecreation he so energetically enlivens in the early parts of his story. From his absolute first words, Victor professes to have been destined to two indefatigablyaffectionate guardians in a situation of bounteous information. As he talks ofhis guardians, Frankenstein endeavors to depict his blessed childhood, Much asthey were joined to one another, they appeared to draw endless stores ofaffection from an exceptionally mine of adoration to give them to me. My moms tendercaresses and my dads grin of considerate delight while with respect to me are myfirst memories. I was their toy and their golden calf, and somethingbettertheir kid, the honest and vulnerable animal gave on them byheaven, whom to raise to great, and whose future parcel it was in their grasp todirect to bliss or hopelessness, to the extent that they satisfied their obligations towardsme (Shelley, p. 19). By these memories, Frankenstein represents hisparents similar to the best parental figures comprehensible to any youngster, beinggranted the all the imperative devices of a capable watchman therefore, which heneglects to use after vitalizing his creation. Frankenstein surrenders hishideous kid, sentiments of vindication emerge, and the creation kills individuals ofhis family for all the psychological anguish that has been set upon him. In hisidealism, Frankenstein is blinded and falls flat or can't anticipate thedangerous result of his creation, offering life to a ghastly being that couldnever be acknowledged in such a shallow world. As Frankenstein describes theprocedures of making his being, he concedes himself that his vision blinded hisability to anticipate the extreme impacts that may bring about offering life to anunloved animal. Nobody can imagine the assortment of sentiments which bore meonward like a typhoon, in the primary eagerness of accomplishment. Life and deathappeared to me perfect limits, which I should get through, and empty a deluge oflight into our dim world. Another species would favor me as its maker andsource; numerous upbeat and astounding natur es would owe their being to me. No fathercould guarantee the appreciation of his youngster so totally as I ought to merit theirs. .u1f3fbe17ece1e2ec3ba54bb23981748d , .u1f3fbe17ece1e2ec3ba54bb23981748d .postImageUrl , .u1f3fbe17ece1e2ec3ba54bb23981748d .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u1f3fbe17ece1e2ec3ba54bb23981748d , .u1f3fbe17ece1e2ec3ba54bb23981748d:hover , .u1f3fbe17ece1e2ec3ba54bb23981748d:visited , .u1f3fbe17ece1e2ec3ba54bb23981748d:active { border:0!important; } .u1f3fbe17ece1e2ec3ba54bb23981748d .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u1f3fbe17ece1e2ec3ba54bb23981748d { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; haziness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u1f3fbe17ece1e2ec3ba54bb23981748d:active , .u1f3fbe17ece1e2ec3ba54bb23981748d:hover { murkiness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u1f3fbe17ece1e2ec3ba54bb23981748d .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u1f3fbe17ece1e2ec3ba54bb23981748d .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content beautification: underline; } .u1f3fbe17ece1e2ec3ba54bb23981748d .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u1f3fbe17ece1e2ec3ba54bb23981748d .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt span: 3px; content adjust: focus; content improvement: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1f3fbe17ece1e2ec3ba54bb23981748d:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u1f3fb e17ece1e2ec3ba54bb23981748d .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u1f3fbe17ece1e2ec3ba54bb23981748d-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u1f3fbe17ece1e2ec3ba54bb23981748d:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Resistance in denmark EssayPursuing these reflections, I imagined that in the event that I could present movement uponlifeless issue, I may in procedure of time (despite the fact that I currently discovered it impossible)renew life where demise had evidently dedicated the body to defilement (Shelley,p. 38-39). Frankensteins purpose was to make a being not normal for any other,superior to all human life thus he picked the absolute best body parts andbeauteous highlights, all to be sorted out in incredible expectation. However,the results are terrible and irreversible. Blaming Frankenstein for bringing himinto an existence where he would never be acknowledged, the creation acknowledges hiscreators defective vision. In any case, Frankenstein can't identify hisidealistic visual deficiency. In a discussion with Frankenstein, the creationexplains, endeavoring to cause him to imagine the measure of mental anguish that hasbeen brought upon him by giving him life, rather than undermining, I amcontent to dissuade you. I am malignant in light of the fact that I am hopeless. Am I notshunned and despised by all humanity? You, my maker, would shred me andtriumph; recall that, and disclose to me why I should feel sorry for man more than he pitiesme? You would not call it murder on the off chance that you could encourage me into one of thoseice-fractures and wreck my edge, crafted by you own hands (Shelley, p.130). Inthe manifestations odious words, he only legitimizes that had Frankenstein nothave been energetically drenched in the making of a predominant being, giganticand awful therefore, every one of his suffe rings would stop to exist. Yearning forthe consideration that Frankenstein fails to give him at his introduction to the world, thecreation endeavors to pick up it by following and murdering his friends and family. Thecreation does at long last accomplish this consideration as Frankenstein feels that he nolonger has any motivation to live yet to look for retribution upon the being that hasultimately devastated him. After hearing Frankensteins statements of reprisal,the creation is gotten a kick out of at long last getting the consideration that he neglectedto give to him at his introduction to the world. The creation challenges him in seeking after him and. answers, I am fulfilled hopeless scoundrel! You have resolved to live, andI am fulfilled, (Shelley, 186). Frankenstein starts the contention thatwould lead straightforwardly to his fate. Deliberately deciding to seek after his creation,Frankenstein begs himself to look for backlash upon him. Frankenstein promises thathe will embrace the incredible assignment that is the quest for his creation. Althoughhe might be rankled with retribution and intemperate outrage, Frankenstein does admitthat this interest may in fact bring about his own passing. As he pronounces thisvengeance, he says, By the sacrosanct earth on which I stoop, by the shades thatwander close to me, by thee, O Night, and the spirits that direct thee, topursue the evil presence who caused this hopelessness, until he or I will die in mortalconflict. For this reason I will protect my life; to execute this dear revengewill I again observe the sun and track the green herbage of earth, whichotherwise ought to evaporate from my eyes always (Shelley, p. 186). Ul
Sunday, July 19, 2020
Richard Bransons Tips for Starting a Business
Richard Bransonâs Tips for Starting a Business Sir Richard Branson is the founder of the Virgin Group. What makes him particularly special, as probably one of the most successful businesspersons in the world, is his great entrepreneurial spirit. Branson left school at the age of 16, setting up Student Magazine with his friend.In the 1970s, he then started Virgin Records. By the 1980s, he started his airline, Virgin Atlantic and in the 1990s, Virgin Trains and Virgin Mobile. His most recent project is called Virgin Galactic. As the name sounds, he hopes that this would turn into a space tourism company.As a whole, he is probably the only entrepreneur with eight individual billion dollar corporations, two-hundred companies, in eight various industries â" and he accomplished all of these without a business degree. Prometheus72 / Shutterstock.comEvidently, Branson began as a humble entrepreneur in his teens. He knows exactly what it would take to start a business from the ground-up. In this article, we discuss some of his best tips to start a business from finding inspiration to managing your employees.RICHARD BRANSONâS TIPS FOR STARTING A BUSINESSFrom conceptualizing your business to running its day-to-day operations, Richard Branson gives you, as an entrepreneur, these valuable tips to start a business.Think about what moves you.As you mull over which idea to transform into a company, ponder over the topics and challenges that you are interested in. Is there a particular industry that you love? A specific talent that you have? A cause that you support?Do not begin a business simply because you want to earn a profit. If you do not love your business idea, you would not be impassioned enough to turn it into reality. Remember, running your own business would take a lot from you, physically and mentally.Thus, build a business that moves you. Branson is quoted to have said, âWhen I started Virgin from a basement in west London, there was no great plan or strategy. I didnât set out to build a business empire⦠For me, building a business is all about doing something to be proud of, bringing talented people together and creating something thatâs going to make a real difference to other peopleâs lives.âIf you are having some difficulty in figuring out what moves you, try to find your passion with these five creativity exercises.Begin at your doorstep.If you already have an idea in mind, take a good look around yourself and your environment. What do you think the market truly needs? What services do you and your family and friends use that are subpar and could benefit from some kind of improvements?Consider how your company could help your city, neighborhood, even your street. Starting from this point, you could then expand to larger markets.Shake things up.When you create your good or service, keep in mind that you want to serve as many people as possible. Having a business means you need to improve the lives of other people.As you do this, hopefully more money comes your way rather than goes out. The Virgin Group started Virgin Atlantic and Virgin Records all the way to Virgin Active and Virgin Money. Patently, all these businesses started because of the genuine passion of Branson to shake things up and to change the status quo.Ultimately, by shaking things up, the Virgin Group hopes to improve the lives of their customers. Define your brand.As you define your brand, Branson suggests that you do the opposite of what Virgin did initially spreading itself out too much. Even though it is true that Virgin branched into too many varying industries, the company still succeeded in concentrating on one single thing to find brand new ways to help people have a good time.So, define your brand well or else your competitors may do it for you. For your brand, stick to your competencies; promise a little but deliver a lot.Listen to advice. Do not listen to naysayers.When you are just starting with your business, ask those with experience in your industry for advice, particularly your parents. However, do not confuse discouraging feedback for good advice. Numerous people would declare that your idea is not feasible or it has already been done. When Branson was just beginning with his businesses, several people would tell him that he would not be successful.Thus, when you listen to good advice, always have a notebook with you. This is what Branson does: he writes things people say so he can easily remember it later on. This is actually how he arrives at new business ideas. On the other hand, when you hear disparaging remarks, do not let it get you down. Try to prove them wrong instead.Stay focused and motivated.Of course, you can have big dreams and lofty objectives. Nonetheless, during your first year, focus on creating your busine ss and being on survival mode. Concentrate on your day to day operations, have short targets per day, then per week, then per month, then per quarter, and finally per year. Tick these tasks off a checklist as you accomplish them.Besides being focused, be self-motivated as well. Branson says that is important to know what your motivations are so you can focus on your goals. He also says, however, that money should not be your major motivator. You have to work on a business that you are proud of. If you simply go into a business to make money, then you should not start a business at all.[slideshare id=52829562doc=scalingup-150916031330-lva1-app6892w=640h=330]Love what you do.It has always been a top priority at Bransonâs Virgin to have fun while doing business. This is important in their success. When you love what you do, your employees will love what they do, and your customers would love your brand and product as well.Branson highlighted that you only have one life to live, so en joy it. So while he acknowledges he has a small Caribbean island, they tend to just stay in the kitchen anyway.In fact, Branson says that as long as you have a kitchen, a bedroom, a place for a sofa, and someone to love, you do not need the unnecessary additions in your life. If you are doing something that you love and interests you, you will live a much more enjoyable life than simply accumulating money.Challenge the status quo.Challenge what is expected of yourself, of others, and of your company and ask your employees to do the same. Put on the lenses of your customer.Take these examples from Virgin. Virgin Money, a British Bank, is a bank that looks like a living room, not your quintessential bank. It has Wi-Fi, comfortable seats, and newspapers. This removes the teller windows and the customer queues.In addition, there is also Virgin America Terminal 2, which is a terminal with a wide array of food choices, a yoga room, and the like. So challenge the status quo, make something different. They will surely stand out.Create value.Branson has said that he only begins a business if it would help enhance the lives of people. Since he did not like the customer service from British Airways, case in point, he started Virgin Atlantic, which focuses on the customer.[slideshare id=60314647doc=startupsarehard-160401031952w=640h=330]Keep things simple when pitching.If you want to pitch your idea to an investor or to a bank for a loan, keep your pitch clear and simple, yet memorable. Eliminate unsure language such as âwith some luckâ¦â or âwe hope that.âYou have to be confident and concrete in your ideas. Branson says that it is significant to have a concise and understandable plan that can be relayed by the investors and bankers to others.For your first meeting, do not make overly detailed presentations with too many numbers and statistics. You can even give an explanation as to why your business can be sustainable through technological shifts and changes in your market.Be visible.Branson advises would-be entrepreneurs to always be visible. He received this piece of advice from Sir Freddie Laker, who was in the British airline industry.Laker advised him to make sure that he is on the front page of the newspaper and not on its back pages. He said that Branson has to go out there and sell himself whatever it would take. The only alternative to this is that your business will not survive.Thus, Branson travels a lot and meets with numerous people as much as possible. This was actually how he comes into his greatest business ideas.Explore uncharted territories.Branson believes that there are countless things in this world that have yet to be discovered, achieved, or invented. Try to tap into these uncharted territories to create innovations and new ideas.Hence, if you are still deciding on what businesses to launch, do some research; go outside; talk to people; and check out heretofore-untapped opportunities!First impression matters, but so does the second.It is most likely that you would get your customers based on their first impression of your brand, product, or service. Hence, first impression does matter. But, so does the second, according to Branson.Typically, when a customer contacts Virgin the second time, it is because they have problems with their product or service. How you handle these situations would say much about your brand and how you value customer relationships and tackle problems.[slideshare id=39161162doc=firstimpressionsslidesharefinal-140916140802-phpapp02w=640h=330]Pick a good name.Virgin has become such a success because of its distinct name and brand. Now, the Virgin name represents improved service, added value, and a sexy strategy. He has previously shared how he came up with the Virgin name.Branson was talking to a group of 16 year old girls over a couple of drinks and discussing possible names for the record store. There were a couple of ideas presented and since they were all new to the business world, someone suggested Virgin.He liked it because it communicates freshness but also a risqué nature. It helps that the name also grabs peopleâs attention. Here are some tips to naming your business.You cannot attain perfection.There are pitfalls to allowing people to think that what they have come up with is already perfection. When people have the belief that they have already perfected something, they tend to be complacent, while others work quickly to improve their work.It is due to this that Branson never gives anyone at his work a perfect review. He thinks that even if something has been conceived completely brilliantly, there is always room for growth and improvement.Avoid an âus versus themâ mentality.Your workplace should be one wherein the boss and his or her staff work and communicate well as a team going towards the same objectives.If your employees do not connect themselves to your business, it means that there is no communication within the chain of c ommand. When you find there is stress or a disconnection among management and employees, check with middle management to get to the problem source and then address it.Create a corporate comfort zone.Create a comfortable environment for your employees. This environment must make employees feel encouraged and free to voice their opinions so they can make good and effective decisions and better work.According to Branson, you need to have a motivated, engaged, and committed team to produce a quality and sustainable product or service.Get more than one opinion.Branson says that you have to learn to be a good listener to succeed. This means you bounce off every idea you have to many people before you decide on whether you want to give an idea a go or to let it pass.What this means is that you are purposeful and detailed prior to implementing your decisions. By seeking more than one opinion, it can save you much more money and time. Just make sure, Branson says, that you do not tell the pe ople you are asking advice from about the opinions you already gathered.Some more startup advice from the founders of eBay, Amazon, Google, Apple, Dell, and more. Do not burn bridges.Sometimes, things just donât work out, whether it may be your business venture with a friend, another person, or a partner. If this is the case, know when you should end things.However, Branson says that just because you are parting ways, things do not need to end on a bad note, especially if he or she is a friend. Tackle challenges directly and quickly and finish the relationship amicably.Talk to people over the phone.It is wonderful to be savvy with technology, but do not email or text when you can simply call. Through the years, Branson has noted that the quality of communications in business has become poorer. More and more people are avoiding face-to-face meetings and phone calls, with the misguided perception to achieve efficiency.However, difficulties are challenging to solve if you only use em ails and texts. It is not very efficient to have a small difficulty increase exponentially when it could simply be addressed with a call.Do not fear change manage it.Branson says that nothing lasts forever and not all companies are safe from what the future brings. As an entrepreneur, you should know how to adapt.This means you also have to eliminate nostalgia about what your company once was. Due to changes in opportunities and circumstances, Branson suggests that you would have to bring your company towards a new direction.To accomplish this, inspire your employees to think just like entrepreneurs. The more responsibilities they have, the better they would perform.[slideshare id=35582785doc=50successfulpeoplesharethebestadvicetheyeverreceivedfinal-140606165344-phpapp01w=640h=330]When you make a mistake, donât fall downâ"bounce back.The decisions that you make are not always the best ones. Everyone can make a mistake, so the best you can do is to take responsibility for it.Bran son says that honesty is not just the best policy, but it is the only policy. When you make a mistake, do not let it consume yourself. Figure out the problem and then fix it.Customers are almost always right.Of course, the customer is always right, that is, unless they are wrong. Although the opinions of your customers are important, you should not always take the word of your customer as gold and make it the center of your customer service system.Branson says that loads of entrepreneurs think that offering products and services according to the notion that the customer is always right would help their business. But this is not always the case. You have to be aware that your relationships with your staff or customers might be damaged if you do not have a robust customer service policy.[slideshare id=66335doc=what-research-cant-tell-you2615w=640h=330]Be a leader, not the boss.Be the leader, not the boss. While the boss gives orders, the leader organizes. According to Branson, he gets miffed when he hears âOkay, fine. Youâre the boss.âIn essence, what he thinks the person is saying is that he or she does not agree with him, but they would just do it because they told them so. A leader and a good one at that, is someone who implements his or her ideas, but also inspires other people to bring their own.Take risks.Branson has a great saying for those wary about risk in business: âThe brave may not live forever but the cautious do not live at all.âAll businesses have their risks. You have to be prepared to be knocked down, but success usually does not come if you play it safe. If you fail, you do not completely fail because you do learn.Dream big.Branson says that you have to dream big and set improbable challenges. Try to always catch up to your big goals. If you do not dream and you do not dream big, nothing can happen.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Prayer in Public School Essay - 3032 Words
In the heart of every religion, there is a way to express ones deepest thoughts and feelings--prayer. Prayer is something that most people due naturally. Whether it is in the morning before you start your day, before a meal, before you go to sleep, or when you just feel the need to express your feelings, prayer is always there. Religious faiths believe that this is central to human life. Even those who are not religious pray. Prayer affects the material universe. Prayer can be defined as an earnest request; a humble entreaty addressed to God, to a god, etc (Websters). We are allowed to pray publicly anywhere, as long as we dont pray out loud. Yet we all live in a society that does not allow prayer inside public schools. Prayer is alsoâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Students are also free to organize Bible study and other religious interest clubs if any other secular clubs are allowed. Religious clubs must be given the same access to the schools facilities. Group meetings also must be voluntary and student initiated. Students can also engage in a moment of silence during which they can pray, meditate, plan their day, or engage in any other silent mental activity (Religioustolerance). Religious freedom is one of the most important traditions and constitutional rights that we as Americans have. Throughout the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s public education across the United States continued to include considerable religious context. In colonial New England the earliest standard text was the New England Primer, which taught younger children to read and count using biblical references: The letter A was taught with the phrase In Adams Fall we sinned all, and P was illustrated with Peter denies His Lord and cries (Andryszewski 13-14). Beginning around 1913 and continuing through the first half of the twentieth century, state governments across the country decided to standardize and write into law the practice of Bible reading and prayer in their states public schools. By mid- century, nearly all of the states permitted some form of Bible reading or formal prayer in public schools. By the 1950s school prayer was commonly practicedShow MoreRelatedThe Prayer On Public Schools1240 Words à |à 5 PagesFor much of the 20th Century and into the 21st, school prayer has been the focal point of an ongoing debate about the position of religion in American civilization. The question of the legality of prayer in public schools brings together a number of important notions in American government and legal philosophy. Opponents and proponents of school prayer set forth their arguments in such major constitutional issues as the separation of church and state, the right to free exercise of religion, and theRead MorePrayer in Public Schools656 Words à |à 3 PagesThe United States was built on prayer. Prayer or religion is on our currency in the many halls of our justice and federal buildings so no matter where we go, we cannot escape prayer. Our founding fathers did not exclude the bible in building our nation and educating our future and there will be no expectation. No matter what there will be prayer no matter where you are. Some people just donââ¬â¢t believe in God thatââ¬â¢s why some donââ¬â¢t want prayer in public school. Though each of the clauses are origina llyRead MorePrayer in the Public Schools1111 Words à |à 5 PagesPrayer in the Public Schools Diana Brown Everest Online Composition 1-226 ABSTRACT This essay is composed of facts supporting that prayer in Public Schools would be beneficial for the children and the United States of America. Prayer is an address to God or a god in word or thoughts. The Anti- Defamation League states that, ââ¬Å"A moment of silence will inevitably be unconstitutional or the purpose and effect of such moments of silence are invariably to advance religion. The U.S. Supreme CourtRead MorePrayer in Public Schools894 Words à |à 4 Pages Should prayer be allowed in public schools? This is a question with a highly controversial answer. There are many different angles to this question with varying ideas and opinions that never seem to agree with one another. The issue of prayer in public schools has, and will continue to be, at the center of many controversial debates. Just consider the fact that public educational system in United States is a secular or non-religious one that is quick to shut down any religious actions. This isRead MorePrayer On Public Schools : The Public School System1032 Words à |à 5 PagesAllow Prayer in Public Schools The public school system should allow students, all across the United States of America, to express themselves freely whenever they would like. Most Americans support the idea of allowing students to pray during school. In the year 2001, 66% of Americans voted that they favor the idea of prayer during school; however, 34% opposed the idea of praying during school. In the year 2014, 61% of Americans voted that they support the idea of praying during school; howeverRead MoreThe Prayer Of A Public School768 Words à |à 4 PagesMany people in Southern Missouri believe that we need to have more religion in schools. ââ¬Å"Keep Christ in Christmas,â⬠ââ¬Å"One nation under God,â⬠and post the Ten Commandments on every wall in public buildings. This is an easy rallying cry because most people in rural Southwest Missouri share the same Christian beliefs. There is a place for these types of soapboxes. That place is called church. Schools are designed to prepare students for the college and career. Churches are designed to prepare congregationsRead MoreEssay on Prayer in Public Schools1051 Words à |à 5 PagesPrayer in Public Schools An issue that has been constantly debated for years is whether voluntary prayer in public schools should be permitted. A student should be allowed to pray voluntarily at the beginning of each school day based on many reasons. 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In the United States, organized prayer in public schools is prohibited because it goes against the Constitutionââ¬â¢s separation of church and state (Jinkins 123). The United States promises religious freedom, but is yet to define the degree and limitation of that liberty. However, American citizens have been debating for many years, whether organized prayer should be an option or obligation in public schools. Some peopleRead More No Prayer in the Public Schools Essay3232 Words à |à 13 Pages à à à Over the past three decades, the issue of the role of prayer in the public school system has become increasingly controversial. The current debate juggles the opposing interpretations of the exact intentions of Americas Founders, who came from an other country, England, in pursuite of expanded freedoms. The first colonists in the 17th century especially desired religious freedom, because their former British government forced them all to learn and practice a centralized religion. Consequently
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Human Differences Between Human And Artificial Intelligent...
A Turing test is the process of a human distinguishing the difference in answers when conversing with both a Cleverbot and a human, however is unaware of the questions that have been answered by the human and which have been answered by artificial intelligence. This test is also to find out if Artificial intelligence responds similar enough that it is equivalent or indistinguishable. Example: We carried out this investigation to see what would happen and to see if it is easy enough to distinguish the difference between human and artificial intelligent conversations. A certain human was picked to complete the Turing, as he was the one capable of asking the questions. The importance of him asking the questions was because we needed a person to begin the conversation, and also to make sure that the investigation was fair. Here are the results: Human conversing with Human Questionnaire: - Human Questionnaire: Hey! How are you? - Human: I m good. How about you? - Human Questionnaire: I m ok thank you. - Human: Thatââ¬â¢s nice whatââ¬â¢s your name? - Human Questionnaire: My name if Joffrey, what about you? - Human: My name is Robin. - Human Questionnaire: Thatââ¬â¢s a cool name, my sister is called Robin - Human: Do you like your sister? - Human Questionnaire: No, she is loud and annoying - Human: How old is she? - Human Questionnaire: She is 8. - Human: Yeah thatââ¬â¢s an annoying age. How old are you? Human conversing with Artificial intelligence/Cleverbot: - Human Questionnaire: Hey! How areShow MoreRelatedArtificial Intelligence and Cognitive Reasoning1597 Words à |à 7 Pagesrepresentation of a humanoid character that is in fact a machine functioning and learning new skills with artificial intelligence. 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The Development of Housing Finance in the Changing Business Scenario Free Essays
THE DEVELOPMENT OF HOUSING FINANCE IN THE CHANGING BUSINESS SCENARIO Mr. P. S. We will write a custom essay sample on The Development of Housing Finance in the Changing Business Scenario or any similar topic only for you Order Now Ravindra** ABSTRACT Traditionally in India, most people used to depend on their provident fund and gratuity amounts received after retirement while considering buying a home. However, with the emergence of housing finance as a major business in the country, an increasingly large number of people are going for housing loans. The housing sector in India is facing an estimated shortage of 4. 1 crore houses and according to the Ninth Plan, the demand-supply gap in urban housing is 3. 3 crore houses. The industry comprises of nearly 383 housing finance companies although disbursements from only the leading 26 institutions are eligible for re-finance from National Housing Bank, which is the regulatory body for these companies. These Housing Finance Companies (HFCs) constitute nearly 95 % of the total disbursement by the industry . The tax exemption on the interest paid on housing loans has also been extended up to the year 2003. This move will benefit the salaried employees, especially the middle-class populace. A dream of providing 25 lakh rural houses has been envisaged in the budget. Out of these, 12 lakh houses will be built under the ââ¬ËIndia Awas Yojanaââ¬â¢ and another one-lakh houses would be provided under the ââ¬ËCredit-cum-Subsidyââ¬â¢ scheme for families with an annual income below Rs. 32,000. Moreover, around 1. 5 lakh houses to be constructed under the ââ¬ËGolden Jubilee Rural Housing Finance Schemeââ¬â¢ will be eligible for refinance from the NHB. The industry is witnessing a boom at present boosted by the generous budget sops and rock bottom real estate prices. The demand is a result of genuine individual needs for housing. The prospects of the industry would be further strengthened on the amendments to the Rent Control Act and repealing of the controversial Urban Land Ceiling Act. This research paper focuses on the Demand for Housing sector, Market Profile, Market Trends, Price Sensitivity factors and outlook of Development of Housing Finance in the changing Business scenario. ____________________________________________________________ ____________ _________________nd Ceiling Act. _________________________________________________________ THE DEVELOPMENT OF HOUSING FINANCE IN THE CHANGING BUSINESS SCENARIO Mr. P. S. Ravindra** Introduction Roti, Kapada aur Makaan are the three basic necessities of human beings. Traditionally in India, most people used to depend on their provident fund and gratuity amounts received after retirement while considering buying a home. However, with the emergence of housing finance as a major business in the country, an increasingly large number of people are going for housing loans. Incomes of families are rising and their purchasing capacity as well as loan repaying capacities is going up. Property prices are more or less on a stabilizing trend. A large number of home loan options are available. HFCs are becoming increasingly liberal. Interest rates have been progressively falling. The Government of India has been giving substantial encouragement to the housing sector. The social structure of the Indian families is going through a sea change as the joint family is fast giving way to the nuclear family concept. The pressure to have oneââ¬â¢s own home is high among these families. Highlights â⬠¢ Significantly, there has been no dearth of demand for housing and consequently for finances for the same have been abundant. â⬠¢ Market dynamics play a pivotal role in determining the lending rates. Considering the same, the housing finance industry has been in a slump in recent times. â⬠¢ The entry of banks into the housing finance sector has posed a serious threat to already existent players in the field. â⬠¢ The housing sector is witnessing a clash between major players. Foremost amongst this is the ICICI and HDFC imbroglio. The later is giving sleepless nights to HDFC. â⬠¢ Tax sops provided by the Government of India is a significant step towards upholding the future prospects of this industry. Sector Comments Nearly 25 lakh houses are built every year in India. However, the nationââ¬â¢s requirement is around 65 lakh houses per annum. The housing sector in India is facing an estimated shortage of 4. 1 crore houses and according to the Ninth Plan, the demand-supply gap in urban housing is 3. 3 crore houses. In case, all these urban housing dwellings were to be built, it would require an investment of Rs. 150,370 crore. Traditionally, the housing finance business has been yielding a margin of around 2 per cent. The skill of the players is in converting their advances that have a maturity period of 15-30 years with the deposits that mature within three years. Though, the National Housing Bank (NHB) refinances housing loan up to Rs. lakh disbursed to the lower income group, this is just a negligible proportion of advances to the major players. The primary sources of funds are fixed deposits, debentures, private placement of bonds and borrowings from banks and financial institutions. Thus, efficient financial management has a key role to play in this industry. Lending rates are predominantly market-driven and in view o f the same, the housing finance industry has been in a slump in recent times with there being low demand from builders and investors alike. Furthermore, the entry of banks into the housing finance sector has also not augured well for the industry. Most housing finance companies cater mainly to the higher income group having reasonably assured creditworthiness. In a scenario marked with the absence of speedy foreclosure regulations, most companies prefer to stay away from rural and the Low-Income Group à (LIG). However, it must be noted that demand for housing in the Middle-Income Group and High Income Group segments has also recorded a steady rise lately. Market profile The Indian housing finance sector is crowded with players of all sizes and nature: government organisations, insurance companies, banks, housing finance companies and co-operative organisations like HUDCO and NHB. Major players in the Industry are HDFC, LIC Housing Finance, Dewan Housing, Can Fin Homes, SBI Home Finance and Gujarat Rural Housing. The youngest entrant into the Industry, which is penetrating rapidly, is ICICI. Interestingly, both Can Fin Homes Limited and its parent Canara Bank are into housing finance. It is the same with quite a few banks, for example, SBI and SBI Home Finance Limited, Bank of Baroda and BOB Finance, Vysa Bank and Vysyabank Housing. Though HDFC and ICICI also have their banking arms, they compete with each other in personal loans, but not housing loans. The industry comprises of nearly 383 housing finance companies although disbursements from only the leading 26 institutions are eligible for re-finance from National Housing Bank, which is the regulatory body for these companies. These Housing Finance Companies (HFCs) constitute nearly 95 % of the total disbursement by the industry. However, owing to the slump in real estate market over the last few years, the industry posted a fairly low disbursement growth. Market trends The housing sector is witnessing a clash between major players. HDFC had ruled this sector with a lionââ¬â¢s stranglehold. It was smooth sailing for HDFC all these years and it seemed that its monopoly was there to stay forever. However, out of the blue emerged ICICI Home Loans, when this financial institution decided to clash arms with HDFC on its home front. Within a year of its launch, ICICI Home Loans is giving the industry leader, HDFC, sleepless nights. Undercutting in the interest rates is all in the game and so is every other trick in the book. HDFC is gathering its wits to beat its competitor at its own game. It launched an aggressive hoarding campaign designed in the style of ââ¬Ëfollow the leaderââ¬â¢. HDFC has launched its website propertymartindia. com as a joint venture with the Mahindras. Following suit, ICICI too, launched its home portal indiahomeseek. com. So the war rages on both at the retail level and also in the form of a cyber war. ICICI has lowered its prime lending rates on short and medium term loans from 13 per cent to 12. 5 per cent. Thus, bringing the interest on housing loans at par with the foreign exchange loans. HDFC also reduced the interest rates on its housing loans from 13. 25 per cent to 13 per cent. It went an extra mile to woo the borrowers of loans up to Rs. crore by allowing them the facility to either opt for a fixed interest rate of 13 per cent or a floating interest rate of 12. 5 per cent. As the name indicates, a borrower opting for the first choice will have to repay the loan at an interest rate of 13 per cent irrespective of any future hike or cut in the rates. Those choosing the second option would be subject to the vagaries of the interest mar ket and may gain or lose in the bargain. The company has also reduced the interest on loans borrowed by non-resident Indians. These loans repayable within five years will attract an interest rate of 11. 5 per cent per annum while loans ith a term of 6-10 years will be charged interest at 12. 5 per cent. The above rates are under the fixed interest rate option. Similar floating rate loans would be charged at 5 per cent less interest. Originally, only the commercial banks offered housing loans on floating interest rates, now that HDFC is offering loans at a 12 per cent floating rate, ICICI also has a floating rate home loan in the pipeline. Price sensitivity factors â⬠¢ Noteworthy fact here is that NHB refinance to the HFCs comprises a mere 7% of the loans disbursed. In other words, most HFCs have to arrange for a major part of the disbursals from their own resources. Thus, low spreads, mismatched asset and liability, competition posed by banks with recent regulations requiring commercial banks to invest 40 per cent of their advances towards the priority sector, etc. pose problems for the lending division. â⬠¢ The first housing finance company to cut down its interest rate after RBI slashed the PPF interest rate by 1 per cent on January 14, 2000 was HUDCO. When the National Housing Bank, the refinancing agency of all housing finance companies, slashed its rates by up to 50 basis points, it triggered off a virtual interest war in the industry. HDFC, ICICI, LIC Housing Finance, PNB Housing Finance Limited and a host of others followed suit. In a game of one-upmanship, the companies have been vying with one another to offer the best deal in a rapidly growing market. â⬠¢ CRISIL has forecast an increase in the interest rates in the second half of this year. This will be due to the demand of funds by the Centre and also the corporates exceeding the supply. The Central Government has projected a Rs. 31,000 crore higher borrowing this year than last yearââ¬â¢s figure of Rs. 86,000 crore. The State Government borrowings would add up to a further Rs. 7,500 crore and the corporate demand would be higher by Rs. 11,000 crore. As compared with the supply, CRISIL expects the short fall to be around Rs. 15,800 crore. To make up this short fall, even if there is a 1 per cent cut in CRR, interest rates are still bound to increase. â⬠¢ The Union Budget 2000-01 has given a shot in the arm to the industry by raising the exemption a pplicable to individual borrowers on the interest paid on housing loans to Rs. 1 lakh. The existing tax rebate of 20 per cent under section 88 of the Income tax Act of 1961, covered repayment of housing loans, subject to a maximum of Rs. 0,000. The same has now been doubled to Rs. 20,000. This, coupled with the lowering of the interest rate would enable a borrower to enjoy tax exemption upto a loan of Rs. 7. 5 lakh for a 15-year term. He can now have access to better tax planning options on account of the exemption and a lower Equated Monthly Installment (EMI) due to longer term of repayment. Furthermore, individuals who already own a house can now invest in a new house and yet claim exemption from capital gains on the sale of the asset. The tax exemption on the interest paid on housing loans has also been extended up to the year 2003. This move will benefit the salaried employees, especially the middle-class populace. A dream of providing 25 lakh rural houses has been envisaged in the budget. Out of these, 12 lakh houses will be built under the ââ¬ËIndia Awas Yojanaââ¬â¢ and another one-lakh houses would be provided under the ââ¬ËCredit-cum-Subsidyââ¬â¢ scheme for families with an annual income below Rs. 32,000. Moreover, around 1. 5 lakh houses to be constructed under the ââ¬ËGolden Jubilee Rural Housing Finance Schemeââ¬â¢ will be eligible for refinance from the NHB. The industry has found new avenues such as securitisation, which are expected to be launched in the market very soon. This mechanism would require a pool of assets (mortgages), which would be sold by the HFCs to NHB. These assets in turn would act as a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) and would be sold as pass through certificates to investors, which initially would be from groups earning pension funds, mutual funds, financial institu tions, commercial banks and other trusts or institution which require monthly fixed income. The mortgages would be for loans up to a period of 10 years, on which HFCs would earn 16 % from borrowers. The spread is to be passed back to the concerned HFCs in the form of premium at purchase of mortgages or service charge over a period of time. It is expected that with the success of securitisation the circulation of funds would increase coupled with cash flows generated by these funds. Furthermore, a secondary market for mortgages would become feasible for HFCs. Outlook The industry is witnessing a boom at present boosted by the generous budget sops and rock bottom real estate prices. The demand is a result of genuine individual needs for housing. The prospects of the industry would be further strengthened on the amendments to the Rent Control Act and repealing of the controversial Urban Land Ceiling Act. Thus, the housing finance industry is on solid ground and has interesting prospects ahead. As for the small players, they will have to take the harsh decision to either exit the industry or merge with bigger entities. It is also amply clear that in the future, industry leader HDFC will have to share the spoils with the aggressive young turk ââ¬â ICICI. Notwithstanding the competition, the customer has nothing to lose as he can choose the best loan scheme from the ICICI and HDFC fold, with minimum interest and a nil processing fee. Conclusion Despite the abovementioned factors, several bottlenecks still exist in the industry, which have to be taken care of before any of the above can bring about an improvement in the prospects of the industry. From an overall viewpoint demand for housing is ever rising and the same would be reflected on the demand for funds. Hence, the profitability of the industry should commence on the positive track in the future. Now housing finance products are at par with other consumer goods, where use of all marketing mix has become necessary for the banks to attract and retain customers. References 1. Basu D. N and Mehta V. K. , 1993. Housing Finance System India, Urban India, XIII, (1) January-June: 36-50. 2. Manoj P. K. 2004. Dynamics of housing finance in India, 3. Vora P. P 2002. The Indian housing finance system, Housing Finance Investment. 15(Jan): 18-25. 4. Nambirajan, R, 2001. Home Loans and Tax benefits, Indian Infrastructure, May, pp. 42-43. http://www. indianloans. com http://www. indiainvest. com http://www. lichousing. com * * * * * How to cite The Development of Housing Finance in the Changing Business Scenario, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Rhetorical situations in the Experiences and Goals Letter
Communication skills are one of the most important skills in the work place since it defines a personââ¬â¢s character more than anything else does. Any form of communication especially the written one should be clear enough to be understood by any relevant person irrespective of their level of education. It is important for an individual to develop excellent workplace writing skills if they are to be effective in their communication.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Rhetorical situations in the Experiences and Goals Letter specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The rhetorical situations that must be considered in this case include the purpose of writing the document, the audience who are expected to read and the ones who might want to read it even though it may not be necessary for them to read it. Moreover, there are the stakeholders, which include the people who will be affected by the success or failure of the doc ument and the context, which is the background situation that made it necessary for the document to be developed. By the introduction of rhetorical awareness, communication in the work place has changed greatly from the traditional form that was mostly focused on learning the templates of different documents and reproducing them just as they were required to a form that requires more thinking in relation to the goals that the document is expected to achieve. Professional writers are now expected to focus more on the content than the format of the documents that they produce. The format is not regarded with much importance since it does not assist the audience in understanding the paper. The writer should consider mostly their choices of words and clarity in language since these are the elements that will determine whether the reader understands the content of not. This approach where the reader is given more consideration is referred to as user centered or reader centered design of communication. When applying the reader-centered approach, the writer should first think about any form of audience that may need to read the paper in terms of their expectations, characteristics goals and the context. On the expectations, the writer should think about the type of information that the reader expects to derive from the document. The readerââ¬â¢s characteristics involve the type of audience in terms of how they relate to the information presented in the document. This also involves the positions that the readers hold in the organization and the amount of workload that they handle. Readers who have less work might be in a position to take their time I reading the document while this is hard for the readers who are in the managerial positions since they have a lot of things to look in to. In such a case, the writer is expected to come up with a document that is brief and straight to the point so that the reader will not have to spend much time trying to get the relev ant information from the document. The goal of the reader requires that the reader will get the relevant information from the document and finally the context is in relation to the situation that reader expects the document to address.Advertising Looking for essay on business communication? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The reader-centered design has three levels that the writer should consider when creating the workplace documents. The first one if the documents design. The documents should be presented in a way that is easy to go through. This includes a clear statement of objectives and the contents of the paper at the beginning and clearly formatted page numbers and headers together with a properly formatted appendix at the end of the document to enhance the understandability of the document. Locker (2003) insists on the use of white space since according her this is one of the ways of making the paper appear more organi zed. It is also important when considering the clarity of the document to use structural illustrations as this will enhance the understandability. Information design ensures that the reader can easily understand the document. It requires the information presented be more specific and directed to the point. The beginning of a document should be made up of an abstract or a summary of the whole idea behind the document. Locker (2003) emphasizes that every other point should be introduced in a way that explains the concept even to the readers who have no background information on the subject. Sentence design should ensure easy readability of the document. Complex ideas should be explained in such a way that a reader who is not an expert in the field will be able to understand. The writer should avoid using difficult terminology and where they cannot be avoided, a glossary should be provided. This will ensure that other stakeholders to the document who are not experts in the discipline i t addresses are in a position to understand the document by reading it without having to refer to outside sources or needing translations. From the letter, it is clear that the writer had a problem with the understanding of the rhetorical situations. In the first instance here he was expected to write a cover letter, he failed to understand the scope of the document. The function of a cover letter is to summarize the contents of the resume and to explain to the recruiting manager the reasons why you are the best candidate for the job. It should have an introduction that explains who the writer is and their reason for writing the letter. They should then summarize their academic qualifications and the experiences that qualify them for the position they are applying to. Towards the end of the letter, the applicant should express their interests in the position by explaining the skills they possess that will be beneficial to the organization.Advertising We will write a custom essa y sample on Rhetorical situations in the Experiences and Goals Letter specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The grammatical expressions should be basic and clear considering that many people are sending their application and the recruiting manager might not have the time to try to figure out the intentions of the writer. Besides recruiting the new employees, he is also faced with a task of maintaining the database of the existing in terms of payroll preparation and other such duties. We can therefore conclude that the letter was rejected because it was not possible to tell its purpose by going through it. It required the reader to do some thinking before figuring it out. When writing a cover letter, the writer should think about the interests of the audience, which in this case was to recruit the best candidate for the job vacancy. This person therefore has no time to read complicated grammatical sentences and they are supposed to go throu gh a considerable number of letters. It should therefore be simple to understand and straight to the point. The reason why the writer was told that his letter could not charm the employers was because of he wrote many pages which would definitely be tiresome to read and the sight of the pages would make the employers to dismiss the application without even reading the content. In considering the purpose of the letter, the writer was supposed to understand that it was meant to give a summary of what was contained in his resume and not a repetition of the same. He did not need to provide the long explanations, which only diluted the content of the letter. The context of a cover letter should include a clear statement of the reason why the letter is being written and in this case, it was to convince they employer that he was the best candidate for the job. He did not need to do this in so many words considering the position of the reader. He was supposed to be clear in a way that attra cts the reader automatically and to achieve this; the writer was expected to present a well-organized document that gives the reader a good perception of the writer even before meeting him. The stakeholders in this case included the recruiting manager who was too busy to read volumes of pages in one letter. It is important to note that this person was not reading the letter as part of leisure but instead it is a part of his work, which involves many other commitments.Advertising Looking for essay on business communication? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The second document in the letter is the proposal paper, which was supposed to explain how the international financial reporting standards affect the financial statements of the company and how the statements could be prepared to make them appear different from the normal format. The writer had all the information on the subject but he was not able to present it in the correct manner since he never adhered to the rhetorical situations writing guidelines. He failed to consider the audience who were not all experts in accounting and used the accounting terminologies with no explanations. He has also neglected the main points and ended up giving a lot of irrelevant information. When writing the proposal, he had only considered the knowledge that he had and ended up developing a document that only showed what he knew and one that any other person could have problems understanding the content. He failed to consider the context of the document, which was to be the professional information presented in a clear and easy to understand format. The management was not interested in knowing the extent to which the writer was proficient in the accounting field. They wanted a document that could be read and understood by the non-accounts staff members without the need for interpretations. The writer could have used Basic English terms and where it was not possible to divert from the accounting terminologies, he would have provided and index explaining their meaning. This would have ensured that the proposal was acceptable to the management. This is scenario was different from the learning environment where the instructors considered the terminologies more than anything else in the document. The third document was a letter he received from his mother when he was in the military service. The letter contained content that touched his heart and made him cry. The goal of this letter was to express her motherââ¬â¢s feelings towards the son and though she was not a very good wri ter, she managed to pass on her message just as she intended. The son was able to detect his motherââ¬â¢s emotions from the letter and this is what communication is all about. The reader should be in a position to tell how the writer was feeling when they were writing the document. Writing is not about the use complicated terminologies but the art of communicating an idea, message or emotion to the reader. In this case, the mother considered her audience who was his son and despite the fact that she did not have the best command of language, she ensured that the letter was clear enough for the son to know how she was feeling. That is what the purpose of the document was all about. On the context, the letter was written from mother to son and she therefore had no need to make it fancy or official since it was not to be evaluated at any point. In this case, there were no other stakeholders involved in reading the document and so her letter was fine as long her son could understand it. From all the three illustrations, this was the best document in terms of communicating the content to the reader, clarity and understandability. This sounds absurd since it was the least official document and chances are it was not written with much consideration on the format, grammar and sentence construction. It however communicated its purpose more effectively than the others did. Excellent writing with an aim of communicating a message has nothing to do with the fancy wordings that people use to hide their writing weaknesses. These elements only make the document complicated and hard to understand hence distorting the whole message. From this experience, the writer was able to discover his strengths and weaknesses in writing. He realized that his writing skills were more inclined to his experiences, feelings and thoughts and that is why he had a problem with the official letters and proposal where he was not expected to express his feelings. He also learnt the importance of organizing the whole document in a simple way that can be understood by any person even without going to the details. This includes having a well-defined introduction, body and conclusion such that the reader can summarize the whole message by going through the introduction and the conclusion. Besides this, he realized the need to improve on his diction, which is the choice of words, summarizing and presenting his points in a concise and effective manner, and to improve on his grammatical skills since correct is one of the essential elements in business writing. The writer was also determined to learn more on all the other forms of writing required in the work place, which included business letters, memos and the other forms of business documents. One of the most important aspects in written communication is the ability to express the ideas in mind in a way that the reader can determine the writerââ¬â¢s mood from the document. This is one of the aspects that captures the attenti on of the audience and makes it easier for them to relate to the document. This explains why the same person reading a letter from a member of the family and another one from the manager will always reflect two different reactions and this can be deduced from the facial expression and the comments that this person makes when reading the two documents both of which are letter but with different contexts. Personal Evaluation There are a number of core values and interests that I have developed and these happen to be the pillars of my life and career and this is explained in the following section. My personality is that of a normal person and I am very active, as well as not talkative. I am one of the people who you can described as average, introvert or even conserved since I am not the outgoing type. I like working with logical ideas as opposed to disjointed ones. These aspects made me realize that I am more of a mathematics and finance person since these are the disciplines I have b een performing well in ever since I started school. When it comes to discussions and debates, I am always losing out since I am poor at supporting my ideas with words. I always prefer supporting myself with my actions. I major in accounting since I believe that is where I am meant to be given my character and interests. My work prospect is to get an accounting job in the United States or to work for an international accounting firm in Asia, which is my homeland. I am also interested in working with an investment bank owing to the fact that I did my internship in this environment and I developed the interest of working specifically in the industry research department. I do not mind working in a bank as well though this would not be my first option. Besides these, I believe I have the interest of working in a sports management company owing to the fact that I have always had an interest in different sports such as football, which is my favorite sport and basket ball. The most importan t element in my life that I value above everything else is my family. This influences the direction of my life in many ways since I would never leave my family behind in the name of working away from home. Their presence in my life keeps everything else moving and this is one thing I like explaining to the people around me including my bosses to avoid being posted outside my hometown. The other thing I really appreciate is a conducive working environment. I would rather be working in a favorable environment and earn a small salary than work in a harsh environment with a huge salary. I would like to work in a company where the management is kind to the employees and where respect is a core value. I would also like to work in an organization where my skills are appreciated and where I am given tasks that are in my line of interest, which is accounting since this is what I am confident with. I would also like an environment where effort is appreciated and praised verbally. These factor s are more important to me than the salary in the organizations I dream to work with. If I maintain the values, I currently hold dearly, I believe I will a very important person in future. First, I will have the best family ever since I will always be there for them. Now I am not married but I hope to do so soon to have the chance to bring up my own family. I will also encourage the members of my family to stay close to each other in all circumstances since this is what I have learnt from my parents and it is the best way to bring up a family in which the members care for each other. I feel saddened every time I hear from the media of brothers who have turned against each other, or children fighting their parents and that are why I would like to be with my wife and children throughout so that I can avoid such occurrences from happening. My greatest wish in life is to grow old besides my wife, watching our children become successful in their careers and in the other aspects of their lives. In relation to my career the fact that I consider the working conditions and job description more than the salary is a character I believe will take me places as far as my career is concerned. Many people get stagnant in their career paths because huge pay packages excite them and they end up working in areas that have nothing to do with their interests. This means that they just work for the money they do not get any satisfaction out of the job. The result of this is poor performance and a feeling of wasted efforts, which eventually might be a source of distress to an individual. To avoid all this therefore, I prefer taking up jibs that are within my interests and that implies accounting and finance jobs are my first and only priority. I would rather search for a job for a long and finally land in one that fits my criteria. I have the dream of becoming the chief accountant or the chief financial controller in an international accounting firm and that is why I base all my wor king experience in these two fields. The amount of experience I will get from the internships and the small low paying jobs will determine greatly the time it will take for me to rise to the desired position. I therefore intend to develop my career towards the direction I intend to go and finally I believe I will be there. When I finally get to the top position, I would like the people working under me to have the best working environments. That is why I choose to work in the conducive environments so that I will not have any intentions if revenging for the wrongs done to me by my bosses. I have learnt that most of the managers who mistreat their staff were at some point mistreated too and so they are doing it as revenge. This is what I would like to avoid by ensuring that the environment I am working in is not harsh. This I believe also gives me the best chance to learn and implement my skills without being afraid that the manager might scold me. Finally, I mentioned that I would l ike to work in a place where my efforts are recognized and praised. This is because such an environment allows me to know when I am improving in terms of the quality of my work and when I am deteriorating. From that, I will be able to know the areas that need more attention hence improve my skills by the day. In some organizations, managers are in the habit of just scolding their employees when they have done a mistake but they never remember to praise them when there is need to. Such a scenario affects the esteem of the employees and most of them end up believing that they never learn anything. This deters their growth in their career and it affects the quality of their work. At the time when I will be working in the top positions, I would like to be a source of inspiration to my employees and always encourage them to learn from their mistakes and to take the risks of trying out new ideas in the work place. This way, I will be pleased to watch them develop their careers under my le adership. Before I get there therefore, I would like to be allowed to explore my skills and apply them in the jobs that I do, so that I can also grow in terms on creativity and working skills. Lessons learnt from the MBTI test It is possible to determine the temperament type in an individual, which in this case is indicated by the information below. My personality Type is: I (33%) N (38%) F (12%) J (67%) where I is introvert, N is intuitive, F is feeling and J is judgment. I can therefore be described as: practically articulated introvert Averagely intuitive personality Vaguely articulated feelings personality Typically manifested judging personality My INFJ Type Description by D. Keirsey Keirsey Temperament: Idealist Description: Seems like me: I have the desire to contribute to positively to the lives of the people around me just like Keirseyââ¬â¢s description of my personality type. I like encouraging people and watching them as they develop their potentials and hidden abili ties. I also prefer working with individuals on a one to one basis and exercise my ability to influence their lives though from the background. I also believe that I am an idealist owing to the fact that I am not an extrovert and this gives me a problem in expressing my feelings. I am better placed in an environment where I am expected to think rather than feel. Does not seem like me: I am not good when it comes to dealing with a group of people. I prefer working with individuals. I am not good in languages and I lack the poetic nature experienced in the people with the same temperament as mine. According to Schwegler (1997), most of the heroes with this personality type were either politicians or political activists and this indicates that it is a temperament that best fits social people. This renders me automatically displaced in this field. Made me think about: People of my personality are not easy to interact with especially on social issues since they prefer keeping their perso nal lives to themselves. Their actions usually come as a surprise since it is never possible to anticipate what they can do or not do. Personality Zone Careers: Best Job Fit for INFJ Personality Type: Counselor Description: this is a personality type for people who prefer to lead their lives privately. They can work in the discipline of education as professors, educational consultants or just as teachers. Since the career that fits this description perfectly is that of a counselor, most of the people with this temperament end up in fields such as religion, social services or designers. Seems like me: I appreciate the values in people as well as their uniqueness and I like to discover my strengths and weaknesses and help other people discover theirs. Does not seem like me: I am not a social person and so doing social work does not seem like me. Owing to my personality, I have also never considered taking a teaching job since group interaction has never been my thing. Made me think ab out: after taking the personality test I started thinking of taking a career path in counseling since I discovered this was one of the best ways to add value to peopleââ¬â¢s lives and inspire them to develop their potentials. Jung Career Indicator Careers and Career Categories Social service Social work Education Librarian Law Health care Early childhood education Psychotherapist Counseling Art and Science Design Scientific experiments The main conclusion that can be drawn from the results of this test is that everyone has their unique combination. This explains why we are all different yet each person has his or her strong qualities and weak ones too. It is not possible for an individual to possess a hundred percent of one of the temperaments. Instead, the default setting is that a person will have all the four temperament each at different capacities and this is what creates the characters in people making them different from each other. Lessons learnt from the O-NET test are all concerned with the different job categories together with their temperament requirements as follows: Most likely: Accounting and auditing clerk Accounting and auditing clerks are involved in all the tasks that are related to the financial and accounting records. They classify the financial records according to their respective categories and ensure that the records are always updated. Besides that, they oversee the accuracy of the financial statement as well as their compliance with the international accounting and financial reporting standards. Some of the job titles that fall under this category include accounts clerk, bookkeepers, and accounts associates. The main tasks here include working with the accounting software to come up with the financial records, reconciling the bank statements with the cashbook entries and ensuring that the financial reports comply with the international accounting standards. A person handling this task should be in possession accounting and economics knowledge. They should also be good with arithmetic and must have some background knowledge on clerical procedures. They should have the ability to organize information and accordance with some pre existing rules, have the ability reflect on numerical problems as well as well-developed mathematical analysis skills. The work context involves performing repetitive tasks with a high level of accuracy as a requirement. The people in this department spend most of their time seated behind the computers but the job involves a lot of paper work as well. The workers must be conventional and enterprising. They should be willing to be supported in their work by fellow employees and be able to maintain good relations in the workplace. The average wages in this employment are $16.08 per hour, the level of employment is at 2,064,000 employees. This type of employment is dominant in the retail and technical services industries. Second most likely: Post secondary business teachers Post se condary business teachers are instructors and lecturers in colleges and they mainly concentrate in business related disciplines such as business management or business administration. Some of the job titles under this category include business professors, management professors and business office technology instructor. The tasks involved in this are giving lectures to postgraduate and undergraduate level students, preparing the course syllabus, monitoring, and evaluating the performance of the students by administering exams. A person going for this career should have knowledge on administrative and management functions. They should also be well knowledgeable on communication techniques as well as accounting and economics disciplines. Besides this, they are required to have oral comprehension abilities, clarity in speech and the ability to organize information in logical manner. The context of this work involves the prearranged lectures and the random ones. A lot of public speaking is involved and the instructor is expected to make major decisions frequently. The worker in this case needs to have excellent social skills, should be enterprising investigative as well. The work values related to this occupation include the achievement mindset, independence especially in decision-making and recognition ability. The average wages in this type of employment is $73320 per year and the approximate number of employees is 1,699,000. The dominant industry in this field is educational services. 3rd most likely: Credit authorizers This job entails authorizing the charges related to the credit facilities on the customerââ¬â¢s accounts and this involves performing an analysis to determine which customers are credit worthy and which ones are not. Examples of job titles that fall under this category include the credit manager and the credit director. An employee in this position is expected to analyze the credit payment records, mail the credit information to the customers, maintain, and update the credit records. A successful candidate for this job should posses knowledge the credit accounts requirements of the government, the legal issues related credit facilities together with considerable amount of clerical knowledge. The person should have the ability to sense problems before they appear, be able to express themselves effectively in writing and have the visualization ability. This job has a strict constraint and the employee is mostly required to create contacts with the customers together with the preparation of memos and letters. The person should have conventional and enterprising interests for them to be effective in this job. Average wages paid to the employees under this category is $15.36 per hour and the level of employment is at 64,000 employees. Finance and administrative industries are the most dominant in this field. From the first section, this document addresses the following elements of communication in the workplace in relation to personal temperaments. One of the main lessons learnt from this document is on the importance of conducting a personality test before recruiting an employee and allocating duties to them. People vary in terms of their abilities and one of the factors behind organizational success is to ensure that the employees are placed in their areas of expertise. This promotes effectiveness in the workplace hence increased productivity. Most of the big organizations have adopted this criterion when interviewing individuals for different job positions and as a result the end up placing everyone in the departments where they can perform to their best. Many employers also analyze their employees using personality tests to understand them better. Some traits in people can only be revealed through testing and this is why most employers have adopted this system. The use of MBTI tests in the organization is mainly to determine the weaknesses and strengths of the employees and to ensure that communicat ion in the organization is carried out effectively amongst the employees and between the management and the subordinates. This also makes conflict resolution easier as well as in the development of a training curriculum. The other reason why some organization take this practice so seriously is because of the notion that harmony in the work place is a result of there being an understanding of personalities amongst the members of an organization. This means that they know how to handle each other based on their different personalities. Employers also consider personality testing as a way of improving the quality of their workforce. In fact, a recent research conducted on the fortune 100 companies indicates that forty percent of these companies perform a psychological based personality test on their interviewees before making the selection. It is argued that this is one of the most important ingredients to their success. The American management association companies conducted another s imilar research on its members, which as well indicated that fifty percent of the best performing companies conducted these tests before selecting employees in to their respective departments. The different types of personality tests are used for different purposes in the organization. For example a company dealing with sales promotions will mostly consider the level of introversion or extroversion in a person, while an audit firm will mostly consider the judgment capacity in an individual (Myers and Briggs 34). The most common personality test however is the integrity test, which is usually conducted for all departments. These determine the level of honesty in an individual and the extent this can go and hence the management gets a basis for determining the people who can be entrusted with huge responsibilities. Personality oriented integrity tests are a form of integrity tests used to determine a personââ¬â¢s reliability, sociability and trustworthiness. Section one of these do cuments, which address the issue of workplace communication, put more emphasis on the importance of carrying out personality tests before making a decision on the career path to take. Employers also need this when allocating responsibilities. A good example is when the writer was given the task of writing a proposal. The document he came up with indicates clearly that the person had expert skills in the accounting field, but he was not good in writing and that is why the audience had a problem in relating to his writing. A personality test could have revealed this weakness and that would have ensured that he only participated in the activities that were in line with his personality. The rhetorical situations describe the character traits of an individual whose temperament categorizes them as writers (Anderson 34). Anderson (2001) goes on to explain that these features are able to capture the attention of the audience, stick to the purpose of the document, each content is the context of the whole documents and all the stakeholders irrespective of their area of expertise can understand it. The person who wrote that letter was however not in this category, and supposing he had taken a personality test before attempting to write the documents he wrote without being successful, he would have concentrated on his strong areas rather than attempting what was clearly not his discipline. From the personality tests above, I can develop a logical, evidence-based hypothesis about my potential careers that are my best fit and this is explained in the following section based on the data in Table 7A. Based on my knowledge, abilities, interests, work context, job description and skills, the three careers which appear likely to be the best fit are accounting and auditing clerk, post secondary business teacher and credit authorizer and a financial manager. Aspects of accounting and audit work that seem like a good fit are the context of the work, which requires that I perform mo st of my task while seated. Being an introvert, I would have a problem with a job that would require me to socialize. In this job, I am only expected to know how to use a computer, accounting software and how to fill in the ledger books and analyze the information therein. Accounting and auditing work can however be challenging since it involves performing repetitive tasks that can get monotonous. This field is also highly competitive owing to the fact that it requirements are attainable to many people and hence this means that securing this job can prove to be difficult. Aspects of post secondary business teaching that are a big fit includes the knowledge required, my top most priority being accounting and economics followed by the administrative and management functions. My ability to organize information in a logical way is also an added advantage to me profile in relation to this job description. This job can however prove to be a challenge for me since the main task under it is giving lectures to a class. This is disadvantageous to me owing to the fact that my social skills are poor. A successful candidate for this job is expected to be fluent in speech and they should possess excellent instructing techniques. These however happen to be my greatest weaknesses and they give me a disadvantage in this field, together with the fact that I will be expected to establish and maintain interpersonal skills. Aspects of credit authorizers that are a big fit with my personality includes the tasks involved in this job which are analyzing credit payment methods and maintaining the credit records, owing to the fact that I am have an analytical personality. The fact that this job description requires me to have excellent decision-making and judgment skills also adds more points to my credit. The abilities I possess which include a high level of sensitivity to problems and the ability to visualize is another aspect that makes this job a big fit with my personality. Credit authorizing however can be challenging for me owing to the fact that I am expected to create and maintain contacts with the customers owing to the fact that I am an introvert by nature. Interacting with people on a large scale and especially the people I am not familiar with is a big problem. This field also requires a lot of knowledge on legal matters yet law is one of the disciplines that I have never visualized myself taking. Law requires a lot literal analysis while my personality is more inclined to arithmetic and discrete elements as opposed to the continuous ones. The fourth priority is the financial managerial job, which fits my criteria owing to the fact that the most essential fields of knowledge are mathematics and accounting and economics. These are my best disciplines and even the education that I have acquired mostly revolves around these. I also possess the skills of reasoning critically, coordinating and proper management of time as a resource. The fact that this jo b requires the candidate to have the ability reason analytically as well as high sensitivity to problems also gives me another advantage in this job category. Working as a financial manager however would require me to be in constant contact with the public, which is one of the main challenges I might face in this job. The context of working in a team is the other challenge owing to the fact that I have considerably poor socializing skills. To be effective in this position, one is expected to have sufficient knowledge in the human resource functions and this could be another challenge for me since I have always avoided disciplines that would land me in job that would require me to deal directly with people. Appendix Table 7 A. MOST LIKELY POTENTIAL CAREERS WITH INCLUDED CRITERIA MOST LIKELY 2ND MOST LIKELY 3RD MOST LIKELY MAYBE MAYBE CRITERIA Accounting and auditing clerk Job Description: involves the classification of financial records into their respective categories, ensurin g that the records are up to date, accurate and consistent with the international reporting standards. Sample of Reported Job Titles: Accounting Clerk Bookkeeper Accounting Associate Tasks Working with the accounting software to develop the financial records Reconcile the bank statements with the cash book Ensure that the financial reports are in compliance with the international accounting standards. Tools Technology computers Ledger books Accounting software Knowledge Accounting and economics Arithmetic Clerical procedures Skills Attentive listening Critical reasoning Mathematical proficiency Abilities Mathematical reasoning Numerical reflection Ordering information in accordance to some predefined rules. Work Activities Recording information Updating records Carrying out administrative tasks Work Context Performing repetitive tasks High level of accuracy required Most of the time is spent sitting Job Zone Job zone three Requires medium level of preparation Other e xamples in this category include legal secretaries Interests conventional enterprising Work Styles keen to the finest details analytical reasoning initiative to take challenges Work Values Support Relationships achievement Related Occupations office clerks Brokerage clerks secretaries Wages Employment Trends average wages ââ¬â $16.08 per hour employment ââ¬â 2,064,000 top industries ââ¬â Retail trade and technical services post secondary business teachers Job Description: instructor in colleges handling business management disciplines. Sample of Reported Job Titles: business professor, management professor, business office technology instructor. Tasks give lectures to postgraduate and undergraduate level students prepare the course syllabus Monitor and evaluate the performance of the students by administering exams. Knowledge Administrative and management functions Communication techniques Accounting and economics Skills Fluent speech Learning technique s Instructing techniques Abilities Oral comprehension Clarity in speech Information organization Work Activities Training and Teaching Others Getting Information Establishing and Maintaining Interpersonal Relationships Work Context prearranged versus random lectures Public Speaking Frequency of Decision Making Job Zone Job Zone Five: Extensive Preparation Needed Other jobs in the same category are treasurers, lawyers and controllers Interests Social Enterprising Investigative Work Styles Attention to Detail Analytical Thinking Concern for Others Work Values Achievement Independence Recognition Wages Employment Trends Average wages ââ¬â $73320 annually Employment ââ¬â 1,699,000 employees Top industry ââ¬â educational services Credit authorizers Job Description: authorize charges related to credit facilities on the customerââ¬â¢s accounts Sample of Reported Job Titles: Credit Manager, Credit Director Tasks Analyze the credit payment records Mail cred it information to the customers Maintain and update the credit records Knowledge Government requirements Laws related to credit facilities Clerical knowledge Skills Strict time management Listening actively Decision making and judgment Abilities Sensitivity to problems Effective expression in writing Visualization Work Activities Computers interaction Information recording Data analysis Work Context Time constraint Creating contacts Preparing memos and letters Job Zone Job zone three Medium preparation Other are service managers, legal secretaries, insurance sales agents Interests Conventional enterprising Work Styles persistence High integrity Attention to detail Work Values Independence support Relationships Related Occupations Insurance claims officers Office clerks License clerks Wages Employment Trends Average wages ââ¬â $15.36 per hour Employment ââ¬â 64, 000 employees Top industries ââ¬â Finance, administrative services financial managers Job Description: directing the financial services and activities in an organization Sample of Reported Job Titles: Branch Manager, Consumer Loan Manager, Lending Manager Tasks Manage the flow of finances Evaluate and process loan applications Identifying new business opportunities Tools Technology Computers Financial analysis software Spreadsheet software Knowledge Mathematics Accounting and Economics Human resource knowledge Skills Time management coordination critical reasoning Abilities visualization analytical reasoning sensitivity to problems Work Activities obtaining information working with the public making decisions Work Context making decision frequently team work working with accuracy and exactness Job Zone four average preparation others are criminal investigators, database administrators, sales managers Interests enterprising conventional Work Styles integrity self control social orientation Work Values independence working conditions recognition Related Occupations Auditors Treasurers Accountants Wages Employment Trends Average wages ââ¬â $48.65 per hour Employment ââ¬â 539,000 employees Top industries ââ¬â Finance and insurance Job Description: analyze accounting and financial records to determine the position of the organization. Sample of Reported Job Titles: assurance manager, financial auditor. Internal auditor Tasks Prepare audit reports Supervise audit process Ensure compliance with international audit standards Tools Technology computers calculators compliance software Knowledge accounting and economics Administration Arithmetic applications Skills Critical thinking Active learning Coordination Abilities Sensitivity to problems Inductive reasoning Information organization Work Activities Collecting information Evaluating data and information Information processing Work Context Telephone communication Team work accuracy Job Zone Four Average preparation Others are accountants, teache rs, special agents Interests Conventional Enterprising Investigative Work Styles integrity Persistence cooperation Work Values Independence Achievement Recognition Related Occupations treasurers Accountants Economists Wages Employment Trends Average wages ââ¬â $29.01 per hour Employment ââ¬â 1,291,000 employees Top industries ââ¬â Professional Services Table 7 B. MOST UNLIKELY CAREERS WITH POTENTIAL CRITERIA PROBABLY NOT PROBABLY NOT 3RD MOST UNLIKELY 2ND MOST UNLIKELY MOST UNLIKELY CRITERIA ____ Counseling psychologist Job Description: evaluates personal problems faced by individuals by reviewing their historical occurrences, use of personal interviews and observing their private lives. Tasks Comes up with forms of therapies for the patients Provide counseling services to individuals or groups of people which includes families and corporate. Evaluate the outcomes of the therapies used in the past and determines whether they are still valid or not. Tools Technology Electromyography accessories computers analytical and research software Knowledge Customer relations English language Psychology Skills Critical thinking Analytical listening Judgment and decision making Abilities Sensitivity to problems Oral comprehension and expression Speech recognition Work Activities Assisting people with their personal problems Getting information on psychological trends Problem solving and decision making Work Context Indoor sessions and working in environmentally controlled situations Having telephone conversations Decision making freedom based on situational analysis Job Zone School psychologists Lawyers surgeons Interests social investigative artistic Work Styles dependability tolerant to stressful conditions high degree of self control Work Values relationships Achievements independence Related Occupations probation officers Educational counselors Social workers Wages Employment Trends Average wages ââ¬â $31 .75 per hour Employment ââ¬â 152,000 employees Top industries ââ¬â self employed and educational institutions Job Description: works towards promoting efficient mental health practices in individuals. Sample of Reported Job Titles: therapists, case manager, child care counselor Tasks Assess the possibility of suicidal behavior in patients Collect client information by interviewing them and also through observation Prepare patientââ¬â¢s record Tools Technology Sphygmomanometers Computers Electronic medical thermometers Knowledge English language Therapy and counseling Customer relations Skills Social perceptiveness Persuasive speaking Comprehensive reading and research Abilities Inductive reasoning Sensitivity to problems Oral expression Work Activities Judging peopleââ¬â¢s conditions Documenting information Interpreting actions and events Work Context Face to face conversations Complex decision making Establishing contacts with clients Job Zone Social workers Aerospace engineers librarians Interests social investigative artistic Work Styles emotional control responsibility and dependability high level of stress tolerance Work Values creating relationships Achievement independence Related Occupations Physical therapist Recreational therapist Residential advisors Wages Employment Trends Average wages ââ¬â $18.28 per hour Employment ââ¬â 113,000 employees Top industries ââ¬â Health care and government agencies Genetic counselors Job Description: make an assessment of the risk faced in a family line and provide recommendations Sample of Reported Job Titles: Hereditary Cancer Program counselor, Pediatric Genetic Counselor, prenatal Genetic Counselor. Tasks Analyze genetic information and their effects on the people of the family Carry out interviews with patients to determine their genetic history Research on the various genetic makeup and their effects. Tools Technology Bench top centrifuges Ultracentrif uges Data base user interface Knowledge English Language Biology Medicine Skills Social Perceptiveness Monitoring Complex Problem Solving Abilities Written Comprehension Deductive Reasoning Information Ordering Work Activities Interpreting the Meaning of Information for Others Getting Information Analyzing Data or Information Work Context Telephone Electronic Mail Importance of Being Exact or Accurate Job Zone wildlife biologists, school psychologists, surgeons Interests Social Investigative Artistic Work Styles Concern for Others Attention to Detail Social Orientation Work Values creating relationships Achievement independence Related Occupations Wages Employment Trends Average wages ââ¬â $21.47 per hour Employment ââ¬â 59,000 employees Top industries ââ¬â Health Care and Social Assistance secondary school teachers Job Description: provide learning instructions to students at the high school level Sample of Reported Job Titles: Social Studies teach er, High School English Teacher, History Teacher Tasks Maintaining order and discipline among the students Prepare the tools required for learning Evaluate the performance of the students Tools Technology computers Stationery Presentation software Knowledge Training techniques English language Administrative knowledge Skills Instructing Learning Strategies Speaking Abilities Oral Expression Inductive Speech Clarity Work Activities Training and Teaching Others Getting Information Coaching and Developing Others Work Context Contact With Others Public Speaking Work With Work Group or Team Job Zone Database administrators, Teachers Special agents. Interests Social Artistic Enterprising Work Styles Integrity Concern for Others Persistence Work Values Relationships Achievement Working Conditions Related Occupations Graduate Teaching Assistants Instructional Coordinators Teacher Assistants Wages Employment Trends Average wages ââ¬â $52,200 per annum Employmen t ââ¬â 1,088,000 employees Top industries ââ¬â Educational Services post secondary school teachers Job Description: Teaches in higher learning institutions such as commercial or government institutions. Sample of Reported Job Titles: Business Instructor, Flight Instructor, Tasks Supervise studentsââ¬â¢ use of tools Determine the specific training needs for students Develop the learning curriculum Tools Technology Computers Charts Presentation software Knowledge Education and Training Computers and Electronics Psychology Skills Instructing Learning Strategies Active Listening Abilities Speech Clarity Written Expression Inductive Reasoning Work Activities Training and Teaching Others Getting Information Evaluating Information to Determine Compliance with Standards Work Context Public Speaking Importance of Being Exact Work With Work Group or Team Job Zone Accountants Teachers criminal investigators Interests Social Realistic Work Styles Leadership Inde pendence Concern for Others Work Values Achievement Independence Relationship Related Occupations Health Educators Instructional Coordinators Dietitians and Nutritionists Wages Employment Trends Average wages ââ¬â $23.05 per hour. Employment ââ¬â 1,699,000 employees Top industries ââ¬â Educational Services Works Cited Anderson, Paul. Technical communication. Los Angeles: Thompson Wadsworth, 2001. Print. Locker, Kitty O. Business and administrative communication. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003. Print. Myers, Briggs I. and Kathryn Briggs. MBTI manual: A guide to the development and use of the Myers-Briggs type indicator. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1992. Electronic resource. Schwegler, Anson. The Longman Writersââ¬â¢ Companion: Three Major Communities of Readers and Writers. Paris, London: Longman Inc, 1997. Print This essay on Rhetorical situations in the Experiences and Goals Letter was written and submitted by user Marisa Jackson to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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